Hohohoho! ok so a few weeks ago Nad, Esther, Sab and Jacelyn's
Ben planned a surprise dinner for Jacelyn's birthday.
So sad I'm not in the planning too! Boo!
Cos I'm using a stupid HTC with no whatsapp or BBM,
Only got poor lousy kik messenger that always die on me!
Never mind, mummy getting iphone for me in a few months in for my birthday. :D
As usual I'm damn blur la, remembered the timing wrongly so i was late for 30 min.
Poor Nad/Sab had to come up with some grandmother story to stall time for me..
But they are damn zai and drama, think they secretly enjoyed it.. hehe
Love you girls!! (:
Anyway we met at Ma Maison, The Central..
Love the quaint vintage feel of the decor there, and of course the food!

Nad & Sab listening to me saying.. er i dunno what crap, can't recall!

Anyway, we were like seated on the left side from the entrance of the restaurant
and Ben bbm Nad saying he and our birthday girl, Jacelyn was reaching in like 3 mins..
So we went into our PAPARAZZI MODE! LOL!!!!!

WTF WTF WTF i can rmb how funny it was, we looked mad ridiculous..
and Ben's 3 minutes reaching soon turned out to be FREAKING LONG!
And we were like trying to hide.. craning our necks to see if they're here..
then giggling cos it felt so funny and talking rubbish in that position wtf.
we even have a video of us hiding and trying to surprise Jacelyn!!!
The waiter damn GCB one!!!
He went to tell Ben: "er.. i think your friends are hiding from you."
all that while Jacelyn is like right beside him.
WTF!!! Can't see a surprise even if it's slammed into your face or what!
Goodness, luckily Jacelyn was busy looking somewhere else and
she didn't hear what the waiter said!
Anywaaaaaay, here's the happy glowing birthday girl Jacelyn
with her sly boyf who conspired with us. LOL!

Happy Birthday Sweetie! (:
Nom Noms:

Yummy Escargots

Food there is pretty yummy, not too expensive too!
YAY~ Cut cake! Nadnut really best at surprising people man..
Lol, not only give the birthday girl got a shock,
it was so surprising i think i jumped out of my skin for 2 seconds.
I didn't even notice the waiter walking over with the cake then suddenly

Some really really good choc fudge cake with crispy bits that Esther went to buy. Yums!

After dinner, Esther had to leave early so the rest of us went over to Chipitos bar @ Clark Quay.

They claim to be the only shooter's bar in Singapore, is it really?

Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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